Monday, October 10, 2011

Another Fall Weekend.....

The weather was beautiful all weekend and for the most part we took advantage....

Saturday morning, Eli and I headed out to his cousin Ben's baseball game. Sitting beside us was actually a little girl in his class so they shared snacks. Eli was most interested in the game, standing right up at the fence watching the boys hit and run and reaching his little arm through to try and get the balls that came back to him. He kept saying "RUN! RUN!" and was mimicking swinging the bat. It was too cute. He really had a great time and his cousin Ben did great!

Here he is giving the coaches some pointers...


Discussing the game with his Aunt Carrie...

Next in the day was the Wake Forest vs. Florida State football game with Dad, Jack, and Carrie. I was excited to take him because he LOVED it so much last time. This time he still had a great time and everytime the Deacon would walk by he would hold his little hand up and say "Five...Five"

Here he is cheering with his Pop-Pop...

Things got a little iffy around halftime and we had to break out Spongebob on the portable DVD.

...But soon after he was back for more and flirting with the girls in front of us and making friends with a little boy behind us. He was high-fiving everyone in the row behind and in front of us, it was too funny.

Sunday I woke up with an insanely awful headache but still decided to load us up for a quick trip to the pumpkin patch.

At first Eli was a little scared because there was this little chihuahua there barking his head off at him but then the dog left and all was good.

He liked the little ones until he started throwing them and I took them away.

This is kind of a bigfoot pose but I like it.

When I told him to sit on a pumpkin and say CHEESE he actually did it...

He really thought he could pick this up.

We didn't get this one.

I just love these shoes.

We ended up getting some green and white and bumpy pumpkins for the front porch. It's kind of a puny display but.. you know...

After the pumpkin patch the headache was back in full force so we packed it up and headed to mom's. I got to "nap" while she watched him. More like, I closed my eyes while he stood by the bed and said "Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama." At one point he wanted to actually ride his fire truck on the bed. But... I got the rest I needed and all was good.

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